Saturday, 19 June 2010

Wild Target

Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities
Last week during The Losers a trailer came on for Wild Target a British comedy that the reasonably knowledgeable Nerdy Trio of Hilts, Emma-hen and myself, the sandal wearing crippled McQueen had never heard of. It was an enjoyable two minutes and said enjoyment was duly noted by Emma-hen who had the sense to research the release date which was conveniently one week after our introduction to the movie.

In our warped little group it is only natural that a sunny Saturday should be spend in the cinema therefore this afternoon we went to see Wild Target

PLOT: Emily Blunt plays Rose, the most brazen thief to grace the streets of London since The Artful Dodger, who cheats Rupert Everett out of £900,000.00 by selling him a fake stolen painting. Bill Nighy is Victor Maynard the hitman hired to take her out. Victor follows Rose around London shocked at her thieving ways and just as he finds an opportunity to take the killing shot he has a change of heart and saves her from being assassinated by another marksman. As they escape they run into Rupert Grint’s Tony and the three become fugitives on the run from Martin Sheens super assassin. Rose and Victor Maynard spend their time bickering whilst Rupert Grint spends 90mins trying (fails) to grow a trendy beard in a (failed) attempt to differentiate Tony from Ron Weasley.
Victor decides to adopt Tony as his heir to the empire he and his mother have created. Rose steals all that isn’t bolted down and Tony takes an alarming amount of baths. Rose discovers Victor was hired to kill her. Rose and Victor Maynard fall out. Victor saves Rose and they fall in love and they all move to the countryside to live out the remainder of their days. END PLOT

Although the movie is a remake of a French film in this version Wild Target is quintessentially British.

Bill Nighy plays the most British of British assassins and he does so brilliantly.

Emily Blunt is becoming a firm favourite of The Nerdy Trio and here she was having a bit of fun playing a character who would swipe the eye out of your head if you took too long to blink.

Rupert Grint was fun as the hapless Tony but it wasn’t a far cry from the hapless Ron.

The supporting cast was a who’s who of British talent with Rupert Everett and Eileen Atkins to name but a few.

The plot was fine. It moved along quite quickly, almost too quickly as Rose and Victor Maynard (for some reason the character works better be referred to by his full name) go from fightin’ to lovin’ in pretty much one scene.

The comedy was mostly made up of one snappy one liners and misaimed gun shots, most of which were at the hands of Tony. The humour again was very British in the same vein of Shaun of the Dead although unfortunately not in the same league.

There are some very good scenes - the car park scene, the ear scene and a Happy Birthday Victor Maynard scene which is so bizarre it boarders on brilliant.

The movie, although clearly filmed on a very modest budget looks good and was suited to the streets of London and all the familiar sights one would expect to see from London were there in all their glory.

Wild Target isn’t the strongest movie to have ever graced the big screen and I have feeling it will come and go with little notice taken of it which is a shame as it has enough charm to more than see it through.

The film passes 90mins very well with its main strength lying in the group dynamic of the three main characters but you get the sense that it would make a better offbeat tv series rather than a stand alone film. It is very easy to see Rose, Victor Maynard and Tony causing havoc on the streets of London with totally illegal yet totally likeable means.

Wild Target gets a 7/10. The potential is there is just didn’t quite hit the bulls eye

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