Saturday, 27 June 2015


Despicable Me is at the higher end of the scale when it comes to animated films.  The reason for this is the adorable Minions.  A sequel, aptly named Despicable Me 2, was also great fun.  The reason for this was the adorable Minions.  It is of no surprise that a spinoff was announced and it is even less of a surprise that it was an origins story.  How original.  The trailer was sweet which meant that it wasn’t too much of a chore to go and see it.
PLOT:  After a series of mishaps involving various leaders (aka the trailer) the Minions are living unhappily in a cave. Kevin, Stuart and Bob set out to find the Minions a suitable leader and find themselves at Villain Con where they meet Scarlett Overkill (Sandra Bullock).  END PLOT
The plot of Minions is simple.  Too simple.  I didn’t expect a head scratching think piece but the Minions did not have any emotional or poignant moments either.  The lack of depth in the story meant that Minions relied solely on, well erm, Minions as its main selling point.  Unfortunately Minions just goes to show that less is very much more.  It was a long slog.  I found myself giggling on a couple of occasions but too much sugar can be really sickening. 
Sandra Bullock and John Hamm were having a ball playing villains and the beautiful Allison Janney was as amazing as always.  The voice cast were fun but they were given very little to do.
The animation was stunning but there were no jaw dropping moments and the 3D was basic.  The most surprising thing about Minions is the impressive soundtrack and I feel quite smug knowing that it is already on my ipod. 
Minions will make a killing at the Box Office and if the adverts are anything to go by it will make a further killing in merchandise tie-ins.  I have seen two animated films this year both of which have made me realise just how old I am.  This is never a recipe for success.  Minions gets 3/10.  Expect this franchise to gain even more traction.  It is here to stay.   


  1. I never really understood the Minions craze to begin with. The 'Despicable' franchise is good enough, but this film goes to show if there's a dollar to be squeezed from a supporting character, the movie industry with squeeze it.

    1. Less is definitely more! It was a long 90mins. I did buy myself new Minions PJ's so clearly something has seeped in to my brain!

      K :-)

  2. Real shame but not a surprise to be honest. I think the commercials are probably the best part of the movie.

    1. The commercials are the first ten/fifteen minutes of the film! Disappointed but I don't know what I was expecting!

      K :-)
